
“I can whole-heartedly recommend Emma’s coaching. She brings such warmth, energy and joy to all her sessions, it is a delight to work with her. As a coach myself, I was fascinated at how playful and different each session was; as a client, I was challenged, encouraged, supported and constantly felt how hugely nurturing it is to be taken through coaching. The goal I set out to achieve, finishing off my book, would have stalled at one point had it not been for Emma’s ability to untangle what was holding me back, and when I hold the copies of my book in my hand now, I am so grateful to her.”

— Nushin, London


“Before I started working with Emma, I was a bit numb to everything going on in my life and I wanted to take action. Emma supported me on this journey to creating the life I really want to lead. She has helped me come home to myself, work out my values and get to know the real me again, which had gotten lost in the various jobs and environments I’d be getting myself to fit into.

Emma is inspiring, creative and sharp - she keeps you on your toes and keeps you looking forward at what you’re really trying to achieve. I would recommend her to everyone. She is the cheerleader that we all need in life - constructive, supportive and fun! She allowed me to tune in to the things in life that I really wanted and to follow my dreams!

The thing I loved most about being coached by Emma was her creative use of visualisations and the way she embodies movement with her coaching. It’s fantastic. I’m so grateful. Thank you Emma!”

— Victoria, London


“Emma is empathetic, fun, insightful, compassionate and creates a space where you can just be you and remove the burden of doing, thinking and feeling on your own. She has a creative approach and in every session I walk away with new insights. Book sessions with her now if you want to move forward in your life!”

— Victoria, Brighton


“Before I worked with Emma I was lost in myself and my career. Emma helped me find me again, this sounds like a bold statement but it is totally true. From the first session she managed to unlock the trauma from my pervious job I was holding onto and helped me to release and accept what had happened when I got made redundant. From there she helped me to rebuild my shattered confidence and find myself, she helped me to remember who I used to be pre baby and my last job and then used that energy and momentum to spark ideas of what could come next.

Since working with Emma I have set up my own business and starting on a brand new journey that works for me professionally and personally and allows me to find the work life balance I have always been looking for and I working on what I am passionate about.”

— Amy, London


“Working with Emma was wonderful. I was always looking forward to our sessions and ended them feeling up and at peace with myself. Emma is a natural at coaching- professional while being very friendly, approachable to share feelings easily, all flowed well whether I was experiencing difficulties, confusion or felt depleted by the process. As an extra, I also develop confidence in my abilities and explored paths I may not have considered without her support. Thank you, Emma.”

— Gaelle, London


“I can't recommend Emma highly enough. I came to her having never had any coaching before this and I can say she's made a real impact.”

— Louisa, Yorkshire


“The insight and support Emma has provided in just two months will be very valuable for years to come.”

— Ellie, London


“I really enjoyed my coaching sessions with Emma. Emma is a very intuitive and empathetic coach and she helped me to gain clarity on many things such as my values and what I wanted to focus on going forward. I learnt a lot about myself through my work with her and continue to use some of the techniques and approaches I gained from her coaching. She made the coaching fun and engaging but was never afraid to challenge my perspective and to help me think beyond my limiting beliefs. I feel more confident through working with Emma and found my coaching sessions a very positive and valuable experience.”

— Louise, Hampshire


“Emma was my first coaching experience and she made me feel comfortable from day one. She gave me perspective and tactical ways to work on the challenges along my personal journey. I feel more capable of accomplishing my life goals after working with her. Definitely would recommend working with her to anyone thinking about exploring coaching as a way to work on different life challenges!”

— Shaynna