The short version


’m a thirty-something lover of variety with a portfolio career. I’m at home in the country, by the sea or in the city, as long as I get a bit of each!

The longer version

Understanding people has always been my thing. I studied languages at university and have spent lots of time working and travelling abroad. I’m in flow when I’m working 1-1 with someone to help them work through barriers to achieve their goals, whether that’s something personal or career related. I’ve always been naturally intuitive and empathic and now this is central to coaching and communications work.

Before shifting my career to work as a coach and consultant, I worked in communications, marketing and PR for nine years. After a few career pivots in my early twenties, I focused on climate change communications.

During the first UK lockdown in 2020, I began to feel increasingly unfulfilled. I needed change and more variety in my work. What I loved about communications was connecting with people, solving problems and designing strategies but I felt I had a lot more to give.

My breakthrough moment came when a coach said this to me: “Most people who love their jobs would happily do it for free in their spare time.”

As soon as I heard that, that’s what I wanted and knew I had to find it.

Over the past two years I’ve built my own portfolio career.

I am a freelance sustainability communications consultant, a coach and I organise and host yoga retreats. I’m hoping the portfolio won’t end here.

In early 2022, I took a leap and moved out of London, where I’d been based for over 10 years, to become location independent and try my hand at the ‘digital nomad’ lifestyle.

I believe it’s possible to build a highly successful and varied portfolio career around whatever you desire.