Everything I’ve done over the last few years to change my career has been through the support of various coaches and lots of scribbled journaling.

Put simply. Journaling got me here. No, really…

Journaling helped me make sense of the mess of ideas I had in my head to work out what I really wanted.

Coaching helped me start addressing the self doubt and fear to start trying out some of my ideas out.

I still grab my journal and start scribbling most days, and most especially on days where I need a bit of a boost or am lacking direction. I totally recommend it, and if you don’t know where to start, set a timer for 10 minutes and start by writing the line “I don’t know where to start”, then don’t let your pen leave the page until the timer goes off.

You can also download my free top morning journal prompts to get started. I usually only share these with coaching clients who want to get into journaling, although they did start circulating on LinkedIn last year!

My Top Morning Journal Prompts

Sign up below to get my top morning journal prompts.